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2025 Ladies League

We aim to provide a fun sociable setting every Tuesday between 4:30pm - 6:30pm and Wednesday 9am - 11am!


The ladies league will rotate through our three nine-hole courses throughout the 18 weeks of play commencing Tuesday May 6th and Wednesday May 7th!


This year we are doing things a little differently as we will offer two different league options! The first option is a pay-as-you-go league with the initial fee to be a part of the league being $250+tax and the weekly green fee $34 + tax. The second option will be an all inclusive league with the initial fee being  $625 + tax but no weekly green fee. Each individual will receive 1500 loyalty points with registration that can used to towards free green fees and power cart rentals.


The pay-as-you-go league fee will cover weekly prizes, a tee time event at the beginning of the season as well as an end of the year ladies tournament and a league gift.


The all inclusive league fee will cover a tee time event at the beginning of the year, end of year tournament and your league gift but you will need to contribute $2 each week to be included in the weekly games and prizes.  


Don't forget to join us after your rounds in the Sticks Restaurant for the Ladies League Special!!

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